View Full Version : Signal blocking in prisons is a joke

06-14-2012, 03:00 PM
Despite a Presidential order last September to purchase equipment for blocking cell phone signals in the nation's prisons, nine months later only two of the 36 penitentiaries have implemented the measure. The order, formalized in Decree 564-11, said that for reasons of "national security" this policy was needed as it had been proven that criminal elements inside the prisons were carrying on business as usual through the use of cell phones. The authorities were also supposed to bring in the use of specially trained dogs that were going to "sniff out" cell phones in the prisons themselves. The dogs have never arrived and only Moca and La Vega have blocked signals. These two prisons are managed by the Army. The director general of Prisons, Mario Acosta, told Hoy reporter Carmen Matos that the project "was too costly" since the equipment for blocking signals at the Najayo Prison alone would have cost over US$2 million.

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