View Full Version : Heart transplants in the Dominican Republic

06-18-2012, 05:10 PM
Two Dominican government-sponsored medical centers plan to carry out heart transplants in 2012.

Dr. Fernando Morales Billini, director of the National Institute for the Coordination of Transplants (Incort), says that the first heart transplant in the Dominican Republic will be carried out at the Centro Cardio-Neuro-Oftalmologico y Transplante (Cecanot) next week, as reported in Listin Diario. Cecanot is part of the Ciudad Sanitaria Luis Aybar public hospital center. This will mark the start of the National Program for Heart Transplants in the Dominican Republic. Six Spanish specialists will be visiting for the first operation from 25 June to 4 July. They include the head of Heart Surgery at the Reyna Sofia Hospital, Ignacio Munoz. The Dominican physicians trained together with their Spanish colleagues and the center is now drawing up a waiting list for the operations. In February, physicians at the Cecanot and veterinarian school of the UASD state university carried out a successful practice heart operation on a pig.

Listin Diario reports that the staff of the Hospital General de la Plaza de la Salud is also training abroad to carry out heart a first heart transplant before the end of the year. Liver and bone marrow transplants as well as transplants with donor organs have already been carried out at Plaza de la Salud.

www.incort.gob.do (http://www.incort.gob.do)

www.cecanot.com.do (http://www.cecanot.com.do)

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