View Full Version : AMET pulls surprise inspections

06-19-2012, 02:00 PM
Metropolitan Traffic Police (AMET) agents hauled in 350 vehicles in the National District yesterday, Monday 18 June, both light and heavy trucks, while checking the drivers for a range of possible infractions of the law. Some of the violations encountered included driving without insurance or driving license, and excess speed. The Metropolitan Transit Authority (AMET) started their operation last Friday, 15 June and since then over 700 vehicles have been pulled in. As reported in Listin Diario, AMET chief Major General Jose Anibal Sanz Jiminian said that the operations would continue without change. He added that he felt that Law 241, which governs transportation and traffic laws, needed to be modified in order to stiffen the penalties for violations. The general also said that heavy trucks should stay in the right lane and have reflectors as established by the law. The fine for not having this equipment is RD$1,600.

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