View Full Version : Need for a ledger of all immigrants

06-20-2012, 02:20 PM
During an interview on the Telesistema morning show, deputy Pelegrin Castillo representing the National Progressive Front (FNP) said that the Department of Migration should keep working to apply Rule 631-11 in order to comply with the law.

He emphasized that a large part of the population is undocumented, not just foreigners and for the first time there is a plan to regularize immigration but that it would not be easy to implement.

He said that the authorities should work towards the creation of one book for foreigners to know their identity, their location and their status, as reported in Hoy.

Castillo stated that many of the problems were caused by Haiti not complying with the 1938 Washington agreement and its modus operandi of 1939.

He said the Immigration Law was very clear and said that all foreigners should be provided with documentation, and that students should have a student visa.

Castillo said that employers were at the root of the problem. He said the law establishes fines for non-compliance for employers of illegal immigrants ranging from RD$50,000 to RD$300,000.

He said that the state should lead by example and that Dominicans, not foreigners should be employed in public works projects and that the authorities should not talk about the fight against poverty if there is no active employment policy.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#4)