View Full Version : Santiago ex-mayor under investigation

06-20-2012, 02:20 PM
The former mayor of Santiago, Jose Enrique Sued has described the investigation into his term of office by the Department of Administrative Corruption (DPCA) as "political retaliation."

Arriving at the DPCA offices accompanied by his lawyer Jorge Luis Polanco, Sued said that following an audit a year and ten months ago he was informed that there would be no need for any investigation and now, after he backed the opposition presidential candidate, Hipolito Mejia, he has been summoned by the DPCA. He said that he hopes his case is heard fairly and that it not be just a case of setting the cat amongst the pigeons when they are already in flight.

He said that his period in office was transparent and that all the supporting documents had been sent to the audit department at the Dominican Municipal League (LMD) and had been audited internally and externally.

In response to Sued's statement that his investigation was political retaliation, DPCA director Hotoniel Bonilla said that everything is always about corruption and unfortunately the country was always involved in politics.

He said that the investigation was the result of a report by the Audit Chamber, which revealed an alleged case of fraud or embezzlement worth RD$600 million during Sued's time in office.

He said that the investigation had been going on for some time, and that the case had not been shelved.

During his term of office, the ex-mayor managed a budget of around RD$3 billion.

www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/6/19/236743/Jose-Enrique-Sued-califica-como-una-retaliacion-politica-su-investigacion (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/6/19/236743/Jose-Enrique-Sued-califica-como-una-retaliacion-politica-su-investigacion)

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