View Full Version : Fernandez calls for new development model in Rio

06-22-2012, 03:50 PM
In his speech at the United Nations conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, yesterday Thursday 21 June, President Leonel Fernandez called for a change in the development model which has prevailed worldwide since the Industrial Revolution some 200 years ago.

He said there is a need for a new model where people produce wealth but also distribute it fairly, to generate a spirit of justice, a sense of dignity and a culture of respect.

He said that the DR had come to the conference with a clear conscience.

"The solution is that industrialized countries should be more decisive in safeguarding an effective model on the regional and global fronts, for the integrity of our societies and their resources, based on shared, but differentiated principles," said Fernandez, speaking in Brazil.

Fernandez said there was an urgent need to move to a new development model, despite the difficulties, and that many feel disillusioned as there had not been much progress over the last two decades.

He also mentioned the serious financial and economic crises that have affected many countries, as well as the ecological problems.

He finished by saying that the lack of the provision of resources by developed nations to protect the planet has put the survival of the human race at risk.

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