View Full Version : AES and DR government settle

03-01-2007, 02:20 PM
The Ministry of Environment has settled a suit with AES that was being heard in the US District Court in Alexandria, Virginia. The DR government had accused the US company of dumping 80,000 tons of coal ash waste from an AES power plant in Puerto Rico in coastal areas in Montecristi and Samana provinces. The Ministry of Environment had indicated that it would settle for US$80 million in damages from the power company. The case would have gone to court on 5 March. US lawyer Susan Burke of Burke Pyle LLC says that the DR would release the terms of the settlement pursuant to the government-in-the-sunshine rules. Those rules were conceived and passed in the wake of the Watergate scandal in the mid 1970s, when US public mistrust of government was running very high.
For background on the case, see www.dr1.com/news/2007/020607_AESsuit.pdf (http://www.dr1.com/news/2007/020607_AESsuit.pdf) and www.dr1.com/news/2006/032706_AESsuit.pdf (http://www.dr1.com/news/2006/032706_AESsuit.pdf)

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