View Full Version : Both Tricom and Orange now have 4G

07-03-2012, 03:50 PM
Dominican telecoms company Tricom recently announced a deal with Huawei Technologies to upgrade its cellular network. This will allow the company to offer their clients state-of-the-art voice and data services over their phones. This includes high-speed Internet service from a range of terminals such as cell phones, dongles, wireless modems as well as streaming video or games. Together with the CDMA 1x-EVDO systems, Tricom will also have LTE, which will allow the enjoyment of high-definition videos and also push-to-talk service, according to Diario Libre.

Orange also joined the battle, launching its 4G LTE Network. Orange spokesman Eduardo Valcarcel said that Orange was proud to make the Dominican Republic one of the first nations in Latin America and in all of France Telecom to have implemented the 4G LTE system. Available only in Santo Domingo, the new service can provide Internet speeds of up to 100 Mbps.

An acronym for Long Term Evolution, LTE is a 4G wireless communications standard developed by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) that's designed to provide up to 10x the speeds of 3G networks for mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, netbooks, notebooks and wireless hotspots. 4G technologies are designed to provide IP-based voice, data and multimedia streaming at speeds of at least 100 Mbit per second and up to as fast as 1 GBit per second.

4G LTE is one of several competing 4G standards along with Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB) and WiMax (IEEE 802.16).

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