View Full Version : Latin American and Canada are leading investors

07-03-2012, 03:50 PM
Over the last few years the United States has been losing its position as the top foreign investor in the Dominican Republic. Now, two countries, Mexico and Canada are fighting for the number-one spot, without omitting to mention that capital from Venezuela and Colombia has also been arriving in the last two years.

Investment from Mexico, as of June 2011, totaled US$4.6 billion and occupies the fourth place in Latin America and the Caribbean. More than twenty Mexican companies operate in the Dominican Republic, including some of the biggest and most famous in the country, providing more than 15,000 direct jobs and close to 30,000 indirect jobs.

The flow of direct foreign investment from Mexico in this country, according to Diario Libre, occupied the first place in 2010, with US$326,2 million, followed by Canada with US$329.2 million, the United States with US$306.8 million and Spain with US$299.2 million. The principal sectors receiving these investments have been tourism, telecommunications, commerce, services, transportation, mining, industry and the industrial free zone sector. Mexican companies investing in the country include Claro-America Movil, with an accumulated investment exceeding US$3.8 billion, Cemex Dominicana, Aerodom, Bepensa (Coca-Cola) and the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Punta Cana.

In the case of Canada, which was the largest investor in the Dominican Republic last year, they invested an amount that reached UC$1.67 billion. This represented 45% of all Direct Foreign Investment attracted by the DR. The investments are mostly in mining with Barrick Gold, banking with Scotia Bank, and in the area of tourism and agribusiness.

Venezuelan investments include the Blue Mall, Sambil, Novocentro and the US$2 billion project by the Cisneros Group in Miches, as well as the Dominican Oil Refinery.

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