View Full Version : President Fernandez meets with the King of Spain

07-04-2012, 12:20 PM
Yesterday, Tuesday 3 July, the King of Spain received President Leonel Fernandez who had travelled to Madrid to take his leave before his term as President ends on 16 August. Fernandez arrived at the Zarzuela palace, the royal residence, accompanied by his wife, Vice President-elect Margarita Cedeno, who was congratulated by the King for her electoral win.

During the meeting, King Juan Carlos expressed his surprise at the Dominican Republic's macroeconomic management and success in maintaining economic stability despite the global financial crisis. He congratulated Fernandez on the great job he had done over the last eight years, not only for the good of the DR but also for the Ibero-American community, as reported by the Presidency.

Speaking to journalists in Madrid, President Fernandez said that the application of austerity policies should not conflict with policies aimed at bringing about economic growth and generating employment. He said that it was not irresponsible to understand the necessity of financial sustainability, and fiscal stability but in order for people to be prosperous and well, the economy had to grow and jobs had to be created. He said that Spain had been a strategic partner for the Dominican Republic and its investment in the country had increased manifold over the past few years, mainly in tourism and real estate.

Fernandez announced that Prince Felipe de Borbon, heir to the Spanish throne, would be visiting the DR to attend the inauguration of new President Danilo Medina.

President Leonel Fernandez's stop in Madrid is the first on his 10-day tour that will also take him to Italy, France and Belgium. He is scheduled to return 10 July.

www.presidencia.gov.do/app/do_2011/article.aspx?id=15410 (http://www.presidencia.gov.do/app/do_2011/article.aspx?id=15410)

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