View Full Version : More people have 24-hour power

07-04-2012, 12:20 PM
The Public Electricity Corporation (CDEEE) has announced that in the last four months an additional 50,000 clients have 24-hour electricity, including homes, businesses and institutions.

The executive vice president of CDEEE, Celso Marranzini, said that the process had improved the quality of life of citizens and made it easier for the development and operation of businesses. The 50,000 clients who now have 24-hour power are located in the provinces of Hato Mayor and El Seibo (23,000 and 17,000 respectively) and Las Guaranas in Duarte province (3,200).

There are also 6,808 clients in the Edesur area, specifically in parts of the National District and Santo Domingo, where there is also lighting in the streets and parks.

www.listindiario.com/economia-y-negocios/2012/7/2/238386/Mas-de-50-mil-pasan-a-recibir-24-horas-de-luz (http://www.listindiario.com/economia-y-negocios/2012/7/2/238386/Mas-de-50-mil-pasan-a-recibir-24-horas-de-luz)

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