View Full Version : Ministry of Education 32% budget, Presidency 57%

07-05-2012, 12:50 PM
The Coalicion Educacion Digna is pointing out that the Ministry of Education, as of 31 May, had only received 32.38% of the budget it was assigned in the National Budget Law.

"If this pace is maintained, by the end of the year the Ministry of Education will only have received disbursements for 77% of its assigned budget, which would be equivalent to 1.91% of the GDP, and that is unacceptable," complained the Coalition during their traditional camping out on 4th of the month at the Presidential Palace.

The Coalition has led a nationwide protest for the government to meet the 66-97 Education Law that establishes 4% of the budget needs to be allocated to education.

The Coalition says that in the budget RD$58.59 billion was assigned to pre-university education, or 2.46% of the budget. But in the first five months of the year, it received RD$18.97 billion, instead of approximately RD$23.4 billion that it should have received.

The Coalition says that while the Ministry of Education had only received 32.38% of its budget, other departments, such as the Ministry of the Presidency had executed 57.67% of their budget during the same period, and the Ministry of Public Works 75% of their annual budget.

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/7/4/435532/Coalicion-denuncia-Educacion-solo-ha-recibido-el-32-de-su-presupuesto (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/7/4/435532/Coalicion-denuncia-Educacion-solo-ha-recibido-el-32-de-su-presupuesto)

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