View Full Version : Policeman kills Azua mayor

07-09-2012, 04:50 PM
Police lieutenant Noe de la Cruz is accused of killing mayor Yoryis Valentin Garcia of Las Lagunas, Azua at gunshot over the weekend. He was sent to three months of custody preventive custody at Najayo jail. The killing occurred after midnight at the entrance of the Eduardo Gallen I apartment building in Ensanche Isabelita, eastern Santo Domingo.

The chief of the Police ordered the cancellation and arrest of Noe de la Cruz, and accused him of the death of mayor Georgi Valentin Garcia de la Rosa.

The Police says they had a discussion when the officer blocked the entrance of the building after dropping off his daughter who lives there with her mother.

But neighbors say that the police officer confused Yoryis Valentin Garcia with the boyfriend of his former wife and shot at him in the back in a fit of jealousy.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)