View Full Version : Victims of violence teach others

07-10-2012, 01:40 PM
Two women whose former partners had submitted them to violence have anonymously undertaken the task of raising the awareness of hundreds of men and women all over the country in order to halt the increase of this evil in Dominican society. Sonsoles and Zoe - as they call themselves - take facilitators to communities around the DR in order to help women understand when they are in a cycle of violence. They also educate the men by explaining that women are not their property or objects to be hit.

Both women have a blog "Rescatando mariposas" (Rescuing butterflies), which is also a social initiative that has brought together a group of leaders to promote a culture of peace called "Los Seres Sol" (The Sun Beings). They have initiated a series of workshops in the Moscu barrio of San Cristobal, one of the provinces with the highest rate of common as well as gender violence.

Sonsoles endured insults and blows from her husband for nearly 25 years. She received therapy from four psychiatrists and two psychologists, but could not get out of the cycle of violence. "One day I found a psychiatrist who knew how to deal with the issue of violence. He explained that for nearly 25 years, I had looked for justifications for what he was doing to me," she said. "He made me become aware that when I was little I was told if a man is not jealous he does not love you. And when I awoke, I told myself: Whoever loves me will not mistreat me," Sonsoles reveals. She says that people have to unlearn in order to learn and asks the media to stop justifying gender violence with sensational headlines.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#11)