View Full Version : JCE centralizes civil registry

03-02-2007, 02:50 PM
President of the Central Electoral Board (JCE) Administrative Chamber Roberto Rosario announced yesterday that the JCE has centralized the 32 civil registries in Santo Domingo. In the past, the JCE allowed the registries to be run by a corresponding civil official who had private control of the revenues. Rosario said that during the course of next week auditors will be posted at all the registries in order to complete the reorganization, and explained that all JCE personnel is being evaluated. Rosario also explained that from now on there would be a cashier and an administrative assistant at each civil registry. These officials will receive a fixed salary and according to Rosario, officials will no longer be receiving the estimated RD$300,000 or RD$400,000 in revenues from the registries. According to Rosario, from now on state prosecutors will lead the investigations into birth certificate, cedula and document fraud.

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