View Full Version : Prisoners receive diplomas

07-13-2012, 03:20 PM
Yesterday, Thursday 12 July, 117 inmates at Najayo prison in San Cristobal received education diplomas in a variety of subjects ranging from graduating in primary or secondary education to technical courses.

The director general of prisons, Mario Acosta congratulated the inmates and urged them to start a new life. The director of the prison educational board, Sister Maria Celina Mesens thanked the teachers for their work. However, she highlighted the lack of machinery and materials for students taking technical courses, saying it made life more difficult for the teachers, who she described as "heroes".

www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/7/12/87801/Estar-tras-las-rejas-no-impide-a-algunos-reclusos-de-Najayo-superarse (http://www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/7/12/87801/Estar-tras-las-rejas-no-impide-a-algunos-reclusos-de-Najayo-superarse)

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