View Full Version : The "signs" of a violent man

07-17-2012, 05:20 PM
A jealous man, 'machista', very possessive, a manipulator and lacking self-assurance, can be a sign that we are facing a violent person and that if he does not seek psychological help, he might commit severe violence that ends with the murder of a woman or femicide. Luis Verges is the director of a Center for Conduct Intervention for Men, located in the Maria Auxiliadora sector of the capital. For the last four years it has worked in prevention with men with similar characteristics in order to prevent their cases from ending in tragedy.

In the Men's House, part of the District Attorney's office in the National District, they give psychological therapy, established as part of the coercive measures ordered for violent men. "The first thing this man has to recognize is his attitude for controlling and subjugating others. He has to observe what profits have been obtained through violence." Verges says that the women often "reinforce" their aggressive conduct, complying with them in everything.

A clinical psychologist who specializes in family and marriage therapy, he stressed that it is common for men with emotional disorders such as dependency on a woman or with inconsistencies about what they want from them, because they have "them" as if their needs should be obligatorily satisfied by the women. He describes them as manipulators, who even go so far as to make the women believe that they are to blame for the violence. The recommendation for a man with these characteristics is to seek professional help before it is too late and that, moreover, they analyze how they can get what they want without violence.

According to Verges, the fact that in the four years that the Men's House has been open and that among the 3,400 men who have been treated there has not been one woman killed is the best indication of the program's effectiveness. He points out that it is up to the new model of incarceration management to apply similar programs, but for the men who have committed femicides. In the meantime, there are people from different social and economic levels in the Men's House, but the cases of serious violence or femicides are more common among people with lower levels of education.

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