View Full Version : Complementary Budget approved

07-18-2012, 01:40 PM
The Chamber of Deputies approved the Complementary Budget for RD$71.46 billion, which will be distributed amongst the different state institutions to pay the suppliers such as those who were contracted for public works in the work sessions on Tuesday, 17 July.

It was approved by a vote of 94 in favor, 22 against and 7 abstentions of a total 183 deputies (105 PLD, 75 PRD and 3 PRSC).

The budget is split between the Presidency, RD$8,326,974,437, the Ministry of Public Works, RD$21,482,753,210 and the Ministry of Public Health, and Treasury obligations, RD$21,013,665,001.

It also authorizes the use of money from the French Development Agency of RD$5,159 million primarily for paying contractors working on the second line of the Metro Santo Domingo.

In addition there is US$500 million for the Public Electricity Corporation (CDEEE) to cover the electrical subsidy.

An additional income of RD$24,180 million was received as a benefit from the Petrocaribe agreement with Venezuela, which will be used for payments at the Senasa health service provider, the Social Security Institute (IDSS), the Superior Electoral Court, the Constitutional Court, the Central Electoral Board and the Supreme Court of Justice.

RD$35 million was assigned to the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD).


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