View Full Version : Hipolito Mejia traveled on Copa

07-23-2012, 05:10 PM
Lawyer Julio Cury presented Copa Airline tickets as proof that then PRD presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia and his son Felipe Mejia and General Carlos Diaz Morfa traveled on Flight 6166D of Copa Airlines at 3:45pm on 14 February from Mexico City to Culiacan, Sinaloa and returned on 16 February at 7:50am on Aeromexico's flight 289D.

PLD Senator Wilton Guerrero had publicly said at the time, in the midst of the presidential electoral campaign, that the PRD presidential candidate had flown internally in Mexico transported on a plane manned by a known pilot of a drug capo of Sinaloa.

The defendant says that the trip was made as part of his private not public life. He said that Mejia traveled to Sinaloa to participate in a Food Fair to which he was invited by important Mexican businessmen, including Juan Carlos Marroquin, owner of Nestle in Mexico, and Carlos Slim, owner of Claro-Codetel in the Dominican Republic.

Cury showed a government invoice worth RD$147,941.14 issued by Agrocentro, SRL as proof that the tickets had been paid for by the private company.

Mejia is suing Guerrero for defamation in the Supreme Court of Justice.

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