View Full Version : MINERD says it is building safer schools

07-24-2012, 01:40 PM
The Ministry of Education said new school buildings incorporate structures that are earthquake-resistant. William Sifres, the engineer in charge of the school constructions division at the Ministry of Education, says schools that are not up to the norms are undergoing the necessary modifications in order to reinforce their structures and make them more resistant to the quakes.

William Sifres reported that in the present situation they are carrying out a program of repairs and strengthening of the school buildings with a time limit on the construction and that there are more 100 schools undergoing this process nationwide.

He explained that vulnerable points such as those areas with short columns with open-spaced concrete blocks are being replaced with a reinforced solid wall or with windows. Likewise, the authorities, with the support of the Department for Territorial Development and Organization, the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development, and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), are working on the preparation of a guide that will motivate 100% of the schools to work out their plan of risk management and each year test it out at the beginning of the school year.

The renovations come after a 22 September 2003 earthquake with intensity of 6.0 Richter Scale toppled schools in Puerto Plata and engineers pinpointed structural construction problems as the cause. Students were not injured only because the earthquake occurred prior to the start of classes on that day.

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