View Full Version : RD$46.00 a pound for chicken

07-24-2012, 01:40 PM
The Permanent Agriculture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies recommended that a pound of chicken at the stands and markets be sold at RD$46.00, as the top price. The commission also recommended the establishment of a National System of Control and Monitoring of the Price of Chicken in the Dominican Republic. The information was given by the chairman of the Commission, Deputy Jose Jaquez, during a press conference in which he was accompanied by the director of the National Institute for Consumer Rights Protection (Pro Consumer), Altagracia Paulino, and representatives of other official institutions and the poultry sector.

By means of a press release, the legislator stressed the importance of the session which was held in order to reach these agreements. Taking part in the session were the entities that were directly tied to the production and sale of poultry, as well as representatives of Pro Consumer, the Ministry of Agriculture and other government institutions. For her part, Altagracia Paulino said that the control of the price of chicken as well as any other product, is what guarantees that it reaches the consumer at a price that he can afford to pay. The official explained that local production should be protected, not only that of poultry, but rather all of the farm products and those of other kinds, as a protection of the consumer, as she recalled that the fundamental part of the process was to determine if there was any speculation by the merchants.

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