View Full Version : Textbooks: RD$14.5 billion business in the Dominican Republic

07-24-2012, 01:40 PM
The textbook industry in the Dominican Republic has grown to be a RD$14.5 billion business. This is a big change from 30 years ago when textbooks were passed down to be used by all the children in the family. Now, families have to buy all new books because the publishers have merged textbooks and workbooks in one. Another marketing strategy is to periodically publish new book series, with slight changes, in order to generate more sales.

In the Chamber of Deputies, the Commission on Education met with key representatives of publishing houses to look into this drain on family budgets. Deputies Teodoro Ursino Reyes and Josefina Castillo are backing an initiative that would extend the usage of the books to at least four years so these can be used by more than one member of a family.

The school year starts officially on Monday, 20 August in the Dominican Republic for the 2012-2013 school year.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#3)