View Full Version : Manufacturing free zones post growth in the Dominican Republic

07-30-2012, 02:40 PM
The free zone manufacturing industry in the Dominican Republic recovered in the past two years to post a 3.4% growth in 2010 and a significant 14.1% in 2011. An op-ed feature in Hoy on Sunday attributes the recovery to increases in the cost of labor in China and the low inventories companies are keeping to duck the global crisis.

Furthermore, apparel companies here have evolved to contribute more value added to exports. The Dominican Republic has been successful at diversifying production. While in 2000, apparel was 57% of all duty free industry exports, today apparel is only 21%. More companies are manufacturing medical instruments, footwear, cigars, electrical and electronic components and jewelry.

Today Dominican free zones are the leading exporter to the US market. DR exports are second in dental floos, fourth in medical instruments, 5th in footwear for men, 6th in electical interruptsors and 8th in jewelry to the US market.

Ramon Nunez Ramirez writes that the trend favors continued growth for local manufacturing. He forecasts growth by year end will be 12-15%, repeating the high growth for 2011. He says that Baxter, Coviden, Fenwall have made largest investments in the medical sector. There is growth in call centers, high tech production, cigars and even apparel.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)