View Full Version : IDB says paying generators is top priority

07-31-2012, 03:10 PM
A report from the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) says that the Public Electricity Corporation (CDEEE) is both judge and jury and even infringes on the role of the National Energy Commission. The report prepared by Vivianne Blanlot and Eduardo Bitran says that the National Energy Commission "should become the presiding entity of the sector's policy as mandated by the General Law on Electricity. The CNE should take responsibility and lead the recovery process, eliminating the problem of the CDEEE receiving and distributing the fiscal transfers that compensate the deficit of funds produced by an electricity tariff that is inferior to what is indexed, and which impedes the ability to guarantee that the payment to the generators be the first priority."

The report suggests the creation of a trust fund that will guarantee the resources for the payment of the generators and which can only be used for this end. The trust fund would administer the resources coming from the Ministry of Hacienda, including those from the Fund for Stabilizing the Electricity Tariff. Such a decision would take away the flexibility of the CDEEE with regard to the use of the funds.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)