View Full Version : Abinader calls for new economic model

08-01-2012, 03:50 PM
Former PRD vice presidential candidate Luis Abinader says that the country needs to get ready to face the consequences of the fiscal deficit which will be left by the Leonel Fernandez administration, estimated to be around RD$120 billion. He said that the next President, Danilo Medina, should not let the public bear that burden.

He said that Fernandez would end his term as the President who had the most resources ever in the history of the Republic, but who had made no significant progress towards solving the country's major problems such as security, electricity, education, unemployment, corruption, the balance of trade, internal and external debt and national production.

The economist believes that Medina needed to make a radical change to Fernandez' economic model, which he says was based on squandering, extravagant spending and debt, and that he should exercise discipline in public spending and establish an order of priorities in line with a development plan.

As far as the PRD's internal problems were concerned, he reiterated his proposal that the factions should come to an agreement and said that Monsenor Agripino Nunez Collado was still willing to mediate, together with other sectors of the organization that wanted an internal understanding.

He felt that it was necessary to cool down the public conflict and described the recent announcement by Miguel Vargas that he would seek to continue as president of the PRD when his period of office ended as both rash and imprudent.

He disagreed with Vargas concerning the date of the end of his time of office, saying it actually finishes in July 2013, four years after the date he was sworn in as president of the PRD, on 19 July 2009.

www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/7/31/89461/Luis-Abinaderdice-Leonel-Fernandez-dejara-deficit-de-RD120-mil (http://www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/7/31/89461/Luis-Abinaderdice-Leonel-Fernandez-dejara-deficit-de-RD120-mil)

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