View Full Version : President Fernandez to Guyana

03-05-2007, 05:00 PM
President Leonel Fernandez traveled to Georgetown, Guyana to attend the XIX Summit of the Rio Group. This presidential summit brought together leaders from Mexico to Argentina. This was the chief executive's 27th trip during this term of office. In his speech, the President argued strongly for increased support for Haiti and the continued presence of the UN peacekeeping force there. After his return on Saturday evening, Fernandez said that he had once again obtained a promise for the release of some US$200 million in funds from the San Jose agreement. Mexican President Felipe Calderon promised Fernandez that he would release the money, according to statements made to reporters from Diario Libre. However, the paper also notes that unlike Venezuela, Mexico has yet to release any of the San Jose Agreement money to the Dominican Republic. According to the paper this is the "umpteenth time Mexico has promised the Agreement's funds."

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