View Full Version : Deputies protect their expense accounts

08-08-2012, 03:40 PM
The Bill to Regulate Public Salaries was returned to the Senate yesterday, Tuesday 7 August following changes made by the Chamber of Deputies to preserve their expense accounts.

Senators and deputies currently receive generous travel and food expenses when they attend any sessions or commission meetings. The proposed law was amended to include the words that Congress would be regulated by each Chamber's own internal rules regarding expenses.

The bill was then approved with 139 in favor and 10 against.

The bill establishes the monthly salaries of senior government and court personnel, as reported in DR1 news yesterday, Tuesday 7 August.

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/08/08/i347132_los-diputados-modifican-para-beneficio-ley-sobre-salarios.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/08/08/i347132_los-diputados-modifican-para-beneficio-ley-sobre-salarios.html)

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