View Full Version : Casandra name to be dropped from showbiz awards

08-08-2012, 03:40 PM
The board of the Association of Entertainment Writers (Acroarte) unanimously agreed yesterday, Tuesday 7 August to stop using the name of Casandra in their awards ceremony. Casandra Damiron's relatives had disputed the use on grounds of awards decisions and participation in the sponsorship. Acroarte president Maximo Jimenez said that the institution respects the decision of the heirs of dona Casandra. The awards will continue with sponsorship from the Cerveceria Nacional Dominicana but without the name of the late first lady of merengue, as reported in El Dia. In a press release, Acroarte recalls that the awards were created in 1985 to honor the famous folklore promoter and with the purpose of keeping her legacy alive. http://eldia.com.do/espectaculos/2012/8/7/90206/Pleno-Acroarte-decide-no-usar-nombre-de-Casandra

www.diariolibre.com/revista/2012/08/08/i347082_acroarte-usara-mas-nombre-premios-casandra-tendra-otro.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/revista/2012/08/08/i347082_acroarte-usara-mas-nombre-premios-casandra-tendra-otro.html)

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