View Full Version : Dengue hits Valverde province

08-08-2012, 03:40 PM
At least 44 people have been hospitalized in Santiago suffering from dengue fever, with most cases being treated at the Jose Maria Cabral and Baez regional hospital. The provincial director of Public Health in Santiago, Ramon Martinez Henriquez, said that those affected are not from Santiago but mostly from Esperanza, in Valverde province, where the inhabitants are concerned by the outbreak. They have also received patients from Jicome and Jinamagao in the same province.

The Northern Public Health Regional Board has sent a team of epidemiologists to Esperanza where community organizations blame the outbreak on water shortages in many local neighborhoods where people are forced to store water in containers, which then become breeding grounds for the mosquitoes that transmit dengue.

www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/8/7/242643/Unas-44-personas-afectadas-por-dengue-ingresadas-en-Santiago (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/8/7/242643/Unas-44-personas-afectadas-por-dengue-ingresadas-en-Santiago)

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