View Full Version : Broad-based rejection of deputies' move

08-09-2012, 12:20 PM
Jurists and representatives of civil society organizations have rejected the modifications made by the deputies on Tuesday, 7 August. The deputies changed the legislative proposal on salaries to exclude themselves from article 26 that prohibits the granting of benefits and incentives to all office holders or public employees for results of administrative work inherent in their jobs. The members of the lower house of Congress are paid to legislate, by attending sessions, but, in addition, they receive per diems and expense accounts for doing their jobs. Precisely, it is those benefits that they have decided to keep. An expert in administrative law, Olivo Rodriguez Huerta, described the deputies' move as "a historical outrage, which shows their lack of common sense, since the Constitution prohibits this type of things that go towards the creation of advantages of a personal nature. What we are dealing with is, as a result, a clear and flagrant violation of the mandates of the Constitution," he pointed out.

The director of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (Flacso), Cesar Cuello Nieto, said that the action by the legislators was "very painful and embarrassing," because they violated the laws that they themselves created, and which they were called upon to respect. The civil society representative expressed hope that the senators could save the situation by rejecting the modifications and failing this, he hopes that the President of the Republic vetoes the legislation when it reaches his hands.

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