View Full Version : Importers wait 45 days for DR-CAFTA

03-06-2007, 05:30 PM
Importers say that it will take 45 days for consumers to feel the effects of DR-CAFTA. According to Domingo Espinal Collado, vice-president of the Dominican Warehouse-owning Importers Association (ADAI) the public will not feel the changes to the same extent. Espinal explains that products coming from Central America will not experience price changes because according to him, a free trade agreement has been in effect for three years now. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce's Foreign Trade Director Vilma Arbaje disagrees with Espinal, who says that the effects of the free trade agreement would vary. Arbaje says that prices should drop in proportion to the tariffs that are being removed. Arbaje says that the public will feel the effects of the free trade agreement once businesses change their inventory.

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