View Full Version : Darys Estrella to Bolsa de Valores

03-06-2007, 05:30 PM
Darys Estrella, one of the founders of Dominicans on Wall Street, has been chosen to take the Dominican Bolsa de Valores, the local stock exchange, to a new level. Currently, the DR stock exchange primarily works with commercial papers. The Financial Times was the first to release the news, with a brief in its 19 February issue where it commented on Goldman Sachs' push for domination of the world financial system. As the FT points out, The New York Stock Exchange, today run by ex-Goldmanite John Thain, is about to gain control of the stock exchanges in Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and Lisbon. "Now another is falling into the Goldman maw. Darys Estrella, who has worked for Goldman Sachs in New York for five years, is off to run the Bolsa de Valores de la Republica Dominicana," writes the newspaper. The comment ends with a "What next? The US Treaasury?"

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#11)