View Full Version : Hipolito criticizes Fernandez

08-15-2012, 03:20 PM
In a radio and television speech, former President Hipolito Mejia addressed President-elect Danilo Medina and spoke of his commitment to the country, declaring that he was always willing to participate in actions that benefit the majority.

He said that he wanted to state clearly to Medina that the way he would proceed would depend more on deeds than words.

He went on to criticize President Leonel Fernandez, and said that he had failed the agriculture sector, increased imports immeasurably, making rich government employees and those with ties to government who had received the import permits.

He also referred to the lack of support for education, the increase of extreme poverty, the domination of Congress and higher courts, which represented a threat to democracy and human rights.

He said that the government that was coming to an end had left a society in a state of economic, moral and institutional deterioration, which was the result of irresponsible practices by President Fernandez and the complicity with which he allowed corruption to penetrate government.

He finished by saying that never before in the democratic life of the nation had a government been so blatant in its use of public funds for the benefit of its employees and activists.

www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/8/14/90878/Hipolito-plantea-una-concertacion-al-nuevo-Gobierno (http://www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/8/14/90878/Hipolito-plantea-una-concertacion-al-nuevo-Gobierno)

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