View Full Version : Fernandez leaves office with strong image

08-16-2012, 04:00 PM
As he leaves the Presidency of the Republic today, Thursday 16 August 2012, after eight consecutive years in power, Leonel Fernandez's political image has been strengthened, according to some analysts. The President's current image is far removed from its level in 2000 when he took off the presidential sash and placed it on the shoulders of the opposition candidate, Hipolito Media, who then held the positive opinion of 50% of Dominican voters.

Fernandez, according to a survey by the Asisa polling company, now enjoys a 70% positive rating among Dominicans.

The information reinforces the perception of his image by political scientists Rosario Espinal and Freddy Angel Castro, who observed that the outgoing President's popularity appears to have grown in the last few days.

In October, Latinobarometro published the results of a study in which Fernandez appeared as the second worst rated president in Latin America, with an approval rating of barely 36% among Dominicans.

The current high approval rating of his administration is attributed by both political scientists to end-of-term public infrastructure inaugurations and for having maintained macro-economic stability over the last eight years.

Espinal highlights the fact that Fernandez was widely exposed to the public during these last few days, with his program of inaugurations. Both Castro as well as Espinal believe that these factors have weighed more, at a time when the population assesses the Fernandez administration, than negative questions that have also been evident in the public administration during the last eight years. Espinal mentions as "large holes" left by the President, issues like patronage and corruption, which could affect him further on. Castro adds the lack of citizen safety and education to the list of pending items, where he says Fernandez should have made a greater effort, because he had the required leadership qualities for achieving this.

Fernandez can run for President again in 2016, while present incumbent Danilo Medina is banned from re-election by the 2010 Constitution.

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