View Full Version : DR celebrates Restoration Day

08-16-2012, 04:00 PM
On 16 August 1863, Gregorio Luperon launched the Dominican campaign to recover the nation's sovereignty. The action took place in Capotillo, near the border with Haiti, in the province of Dajabon. Spain had tried to recover her colonial empire, which at the time consisted of Cuba and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean, with the addition of the 16-year old Dominican Republic, which was on the verge of total bankruptcy. The annexation sponsored by Pedro Santana was met with opposition from the start. Historical figures of great stature, including Francisco del Rosario Sanchez and Jose Contreras were the first to resist and ended up before firing squads in San Juan de la Maguana. Santana, who gave some semblance of Dominican participation in the Annexation, died suddenly in 1862, and leaders like Luperon began to organize what went on to be a two-year struggle for independence once again. The battles started at Capotillo 149 years ago today.

This 16 August 2012 is a holiday in the Dominican Republic.

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