View Full Version : The high cost of the Dominican government payroll

08-16-2012, 04:00 PM
There are 609,525 people on the public payroll. The government is the leading employer, with hundreds of thousands of new employees added to the government payroll during the past eight years of the Fernandez administration. Taxpayers have to cover the RD$9.23 billion cost of the payroll, despite the fact that most of the employees provide minimal if any service to the country. Of this total, the central government employs 465,807, according to a report in Diario Libre.

These jobs also come with generous benefits, such as per diems, trip expenses, mobile phones, credit cards, that the public administration salaries bill, recently vetoed by President Leonel Fernandez, chose to correct.

www.diariolibre.com/economia/2012/08/16/i348120_cantidad-empleados-del-estado-julio-supera-609-000-personas.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/economia/2012/08/16/i348120_cantidad-empleados-del-estado-julio-supera-609-000-personas.html)

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