View Full Version : New Public Health Minister

08-17-2012, 04:10 PM
The new Minister for Public Health, Dr. Freddy Hidalgo Nunez is a doctor specializing in internal medicine and cardiology. Up to his appointment he was employed as director of the Regional Health Service in the Central Cibao provinces of Monsenor Nouel, La Vega and Sanchez Ramirez (Cotui).

According to a press release, he has been a lifelong suporter of Danilo Medina and is a member of the PLD Central Committee.

He was born and lives in the municipality of Fantino in Sanchez Ramirez, and started his medical career as a general practitioner in the Sigfredo Alba Public Hospital from where he moved to Santiago and took his specialty in internal medicine, and then cardiology overseas.

Hidalgo Nunez has been awarded the Dominican bronze quality medal for his good work in the Cibao Central health region.

On his appointment as Minister for Public Health he said that he would continue to honor the trust placed in him by the former President Leonel Fernandez and his predecessor Dr. Bautista Rojas Gomez.

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/08/16/i348224_nuevo-ministro-salud-medico-internista-cardiologo.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/08/16/i348224_nuevo-ministro-salud-medico-internista-cardiologo.html)

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