View Full Version : All eyes on the new Sports Minister

08-17-2012, 04:10 PM
Former Vice President Jaime David Fernandez Mirabal has taken over the Ministry of Sport and Recreation (Miderec) from Felipe Payano who held the post for eight years, longer than any other government minister. As reported in Diario Libre, Payano's period in office was very fruitful in terms of international results, but weak in its maintenance record of sporting installations as well as in providing sports equipment to athletes.

Diario Libre writes that the deterioration and neglect of the country's sporting installations is a major issue, and even the Olympic Stadium was vetoed by FIFA as not good enough for official matches.

These eight years have yielded three gold medals and two silver in the Olympic Games of 2004, 2008 and 2012, as well 233 medals in the Central American and Caribbean Games, and 62 in the Pan American Games, with a sports structure whose major supporter is the government.

The Program for High Performance, New Values and Immortal Athletes (PARNI) receives an annual sum of RD$236 million just for food, medical insurance and expenses for around 1000 people.

Diario Libre points out that millions were distributed to medal-winning athletes during the "Payano Era."

New minister Fernandez Mirabal is no stranger to sport, as he was a first division football player who served as president of the Federation in the 1980s.

In his native Salcedo he organized the Hermanas Mirabal Games, and as Minister of the Environment he organized a series of events including cycling, rowing and canoeing. He is also an Aguilas supporter and volleyball fan.

A farmer and psychiatrist, Fernandez Mirabal served as Vice President in Leonel Fernandez' first government, 1996-2000.

In the first six months of this year, MIDEREC already received 61% of its budget, some RD$1,161 million out of a total approved budget of RD$1,875 million.

www.diariolibre.com/deportes/2012/08/17/i348296_jaime-david-relevara-payano-que-sale-tras-mandato-mas-largo.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/deportes/2012/08/17/i348296_jaime-david-relevara-payano-que-sale-tras-mandato-mas-largo.html)

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