View Full Version : President Danilo's speech well received

08-17-2012, 04:10 PM
Antonio Ramos, president of the National Organization of Commercial Businesses (ONEC) has expressed his approval of President Danilo Medina's speech, saying it brought hope and was full of projects that would contribute to national development. He stated that ONEC would respond positively to the call for unity and working together for a better country.

Ramos mentioned that ONEC had been asking for the equal application of laws in the country for a long time and was pleased to hear the new President making this same point. He also applauded the creation of a Code of Ethics for government employees as a key tool for achieving Medina's objectives.

The business leader went on to say that the development of small and medium-sized businesses (PYMES), economic support for family farms and tourism were some of the areas which stood out most in the speech as a way of generating employment.

He said that the plan to sign a Free Trade Agreement with Haiti would be very well received by Dominican business sector, and that growth in the construction sector as suggested by the new President would also boost the national economy.

Finally, as far as education was concerned, ONEC congratulated President Medina, firstly for his promise to eradicate illiteracy and secondly for his promise to invest 4% of the GDP in education, and even more for moving the area of construction of schools to the Ministry of Public Works, which would represent a bigger budget for education itself and not for building schools.

www.elnuevodiario.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=298819 (http://www.elnuevodiario.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=298819)

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