View Full Version : Teenager with leukemia dies

08-17-2012, 04:10 PM
A 16-year old teenage girl who was diagnosed with leukemia while in the early stages of pregnancy died early this morning, Friday 17 August. Her case made the press when doctors delayed chemotherapy on the grounds that it would be lethal to the fetus she was carrying. Towards the end, even Cardinal Nicolas Lopez Rodriguez favored her receiving the treatment.

Sadly, neither she nor the fetus made it. The debate, nevertheless, clarified that the mother would be given priority in cases where a decision must be made between the child and the mother's lives.

www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/08/17/muere-menor-con-leucemia-que-estaba-embarazada (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/08/17/muere-menor-con-leucemia-que-estaba-embarazada)



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