View Full Version : Danilo speaks frankly in SJM

08-21-2012, 12:10 PM
Using Dominican familiarity with the stereotypical Galician mentality, President Danilo Medina began his talk with the provincial council with a story: "Once upon a time, two Galicians found a briefcase, and then, thinking that the briefcase was full of money, they hid it in several places without opening it, and they said "Here no...there no" until they opened it and to their surprise, the briefcase was full of bills that they had to pay."

President Danilo Medina told this cautionary tale at a meeting of the Provincial Development Council in San Juan de la Maguana. His words were the prelude for the President to say that he was not going to build any projects until the start of the new year, when his administration has a new budget. "There is a new Budget Law, that the projects must have the budgetary appropriations in order for the funds to be disbursed. We will do whatever is possible during these months, of studying and preparing ourselves for the coming year," he stated.

He called upon the Dominicans to work and said that, "next year we will be coming at full speed. During the transition I said that my campaign commitment was going to be fulfilled, but not with the speed that I offered, because the resources that the State has are those that set the pace for government projects," he added. Medina expressed his idea that he does not want people living in "gilded cages" but with empty stomachs, and that more than projects, what he wants to do is raise the material living conditions of the Dominican people. "I want a country with decent jobs, people who are healthy, a country that can educate every man and every woman; I want young people to have jobs. I want to create wealth in the province of San Juan," he declared.

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