View Full Version : Cholera returns to Tamboril

08-22-2012, 12:40 PM
Speaking at a press conference at the Tamboril hospital yesterday, Tuesday 21 August, Deputy Public Health Minister Jose Rodriguez Aybar said that out of the 500 people who have been treated for cholera symptoms in the last eight days, only three tested positive for the disease.

He was accompanied by the Director of the Corporation of Aqueducts and Sewage for Santiago (Coraasan) Silvio Duran, the head of Civil Defense for the northern region Francisco Arias, and specialists from the Environment Ministry and other state institutions.

Rodriguez Aybar said that there is more alarm than anything else, as people could have diarrhea for all sorts of reasons, not necessarily cholera.

He went on to say that there were procedures to ensure that there was no confusion between simple diarrhea and cholera and that the 800,000 and 900,000 annual diarrhea cases were not caused by cholera.

The Public Health authorities have attributed the diarrhea outbreak to poor water quality in the area, but Rodriguez Aybar said that Coraasan was providing treated water. However the population needed to know how to use and store water in bleached containers, so that it does not become contaminated with the bacteria that cause diarrhea and intestinal problems.

Silvio Duran, responsible for water supplies in Tamboril, said that they would set up a commission to assess the situation together with Public Health, the Environment Ministry, water authorities, Civil Defense and other public organizations. However he said that the situation in Tamboril was more alarm than fact.

www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/8/21/244349/De-500-casos-evaluados-3-dieron-positivo-al-colera-en-Tamboril (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/8/21/244349/De-500-casos-evaluados-3-dieron-positivo-al-colera-en-Tamboril)

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