View Full Version : Popular Front not expecting changes

08-22-2012, 12:40 PM
At a press conference earlier this week headed by Fidel Santana and including Arsenio Hernandez, Virtudes Alvarez and other members, the Popular Front activist group warned that the previous government's economic policies would make it difficult for President Danilo Medina to implement the policies outlined in his speech.

They said that with Temistocles Montas as the Minister of Economy, Planning and Development and Hector Valdez Albizu at the Central Bank, as well as others still in the same posts, it was unlikely that there would be a change of policy.

The Popular Front said that President Danilo Medina would be trapped between his many electoral promises and his promises to the party, which seemed to be even greater.

They went on to say that the Dominican people should be aware of this basic reality and be prepared to fight for the things they wanted most.

They maintained that whilst Medina's inauguration speech was a reiteration of his campaign promises, they need to be converted into deeds to be credible, and the first of his deeds was the formation of his new cabinet, which was evidence of a commitment to the last government and was a bad precedent to start a new regime.

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/08/21/i348840_frente-amplio-considera-que-presidente-medina-luce-atrapado.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/08/21/i348840_frente-amplio-considera-que-presidente-medina-luce-atrapado.html)

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