View Full Version : Banco de Reservas offers highest yield on US$ deposits

08-23-2012, 01:10 PM
Who would have thought that the Dominican government commercial bank offers six times more on deposits in US$ than Scotiabank, a large private bank. Scotia bank offers 0.55% on fixed savings certificates, Alejandro Fernandez W. comments in his Economy News in Diario Libre today, Thursday 23 August. Banreservas offers 3.27%. He said that as a result, the governmental bank has the largest portfolio of savings in dollars in the country, with 33% of the total market. CDs in dollars are now US$930 million, or US$170 million more than all the other 13 banks in the country. He comments that Banreservas was paying 3.2% on dollar savings, when the average for peso deposits in commercial banking was 4.5%.


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