View Full Version : Blackouts get worse

08-24-2012, 02:00 PM
Electricity blackouts have worsened over the last few days, since the new government took office. The reason for the outages is given as the sum that the Public Electricity Companies (CDEEE) owes to the electricity generators, estimated at close to a billion dollars.

On Thursday, 23 August, Milton Morrison, the executive vice president of the Dominican Electricity Industry Association (ADIE), confirmed that the debt was at that level, following statements from CDEEE executive vice president Ruben Jimenez Bichara earlier in the week. At that time only 16 generators were fully available, 23 were working at half capacity, while 29 generators and hydroelectric systems were closed.

Yesterday there were prolonged blackouts in large areas of San Juan de la Maguana and Elias Pina provinces, in parts of the National District, Santo Domingo province and others in the south and the Cibao region, including the so-called "A" 24-hour circuits.

www.elnacional.com.do/nacional/2012/8/23/132186/Vuelven-apagones-con-gran-fuerza (http://www.elnacional.com.do/nacional/2012/8/23/132186/Vuelven-apagones-con-gran-fuerza)

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