View Full Version : Isaac, the no-show, causes damage

08-27-2012, 03:50 PM
Tropical Storm Isaac passed by the Dominican Republic over the weekend, but not as a hurricane and much further south than forecast. With the exception of Barahona, the south and eastern coast of the Dominican Republic were practically spared from the brunt of the weakened tropical storm. Nonetheless, the storm served as a dress rehearsal to prepare the island for the opening of the peak month of the hurricane season in September. It reminded the authorities and the public of the island's vulnerabilities.

Three deaths were reported, including a former mayor of Villa Altagracia, 53-year old Pedro Peralta, who attempted to cross the Haina River but was dragged away by the strong torrent. In 2009 Peralta made headlines when he was mayor and was accused of misuse of RD$100 million in funds. He is the brother of transport leader Blas Peralta, as reported in El Dia.

The other victims, who also died while trying to cross rivers during the storm, were identified as 20-year old Rafelys Perdomo de Jesus and 19-year old Johan Alexander Mora Baez.

The Emergency Operations Center reported that 25,000 people had been displaced and 90 communities cut off after the passing of the storm.

Major damage was reported to agriculture. Plantain, coffee and macadamia plantations were 80% destroyed in Barahona due to the strong wind gusts. In other areas of the country, only 10% of the plantain and banana crops suffered, reports El Dia. The Navy sent a ship to Barahona to help with the recovery operations.

Public Works Minister Gonzalo Castillo announced that the rains and winds from tropical storm Isaac caused 100 public infrastructure emergencies nationwide, as reported in Listin Diario.

President Danilo Medina visited the southwest, where he observed a collapsed bridge over the Ocoa River. He announced the government would work to reestablish the connection and promised the community of Las Carreras, near the collapsed bridge, that a support wall would be built to protect it from the overflowing of the river. He said that the solutions would be permanent, not temporary. He was accompanied by Public Works Minister Gonzalo Castillo who announced a provisional route through Palmar de Ocoa.

The bridge, known as "El Puente de Acero" is located at Km. 35 of Carretera Sanchez, between Bani and Azua. Reportedly, the Minister of Public Works was at the scene one hour after it collapsed. He announced that repairs would be carried out as soon as the waters were back at their normal volume. El Dia reported that the bridge had fallen three times in five years (2007, 2011 and 2012)! "That bridge is an excuse for engineers to pocket the money. It has fallen four times," said William Mena, a community leader in Ocoa, as reported in El Dia. According to latest reports, the bridge has now been repaired.

Other reported damage included the overflowing of the Ozama River in Peralvillo, which affected traffic over the Samana Toll Highway, Autovia del Nordeste at Km. 22.

www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2012/8/26/244933/Miles-de-pasajeros-afectados-por-colapso-de-puente-en-Bani-Azua (http://www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2012/8/26/244933/Miles-de-pasajeros-afectados-por-colapso-de-puente-en-Bani-Azua)

www.hoy.com.do/provincias/2012/8/26/443295/Reanudan-comunicacion-terrestre-con-la-region-Sur-hay-paso-por-Palmar-de (http://www.hoy.com.do/provincias/2012/8/26/443295/Reanudan-comunicacion-terrestre-con-la-region-Sur-hay-paso-por-Palmar-de)

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/8/26/443297/Ya-son-12889-los-desplazados-por-Isaac-y-90-las-comunidades-aisladas (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/8/26/443297/Ya-son-12889-los-desplazados-por-Isaac-y-90-las-comunidades-aisladas)

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