View Full Version : Isaac 'not to blame' for drowning deaths

08-28-2012, 04:30 PM
Yesterday, Monday 27 August, the National Police commented on the tragic deaths due to drowning in the provinces of San Cristobal, Bani and Ocoa, as reported in Diario Libre. The Emergency Operations Center is not listing these casualties as victims of Tropical Storm Isaac, saying that they were caused by recklessness and ignoring warnings from the official agencies. One man, 20-year old Rafelys Perdomo is reported to have been trapping freshwater crabs when he was swept away by the waters.

COE Director General Juan Manuel Mendez Garcia said: "We do not want people to do this sort of thing... I do not even know what to call it... because it very difficult after so many days of alerts, of explaining that they should not do this sort of thing, since they cause needless deaths, when no river has ever entered into a house to take a life."

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