View Full Version : Bid to reduce private use of military

08-28-2012, 04:30 PM
In a renewed effort to reduce the official escorts of public officials and other individuals, the top brass of the Armed Forces and the National Police have started a census to establish where each of their members is serving, as reported in Diario Libre. The ministers of the Presidency, Gustavo Montalvo, the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Sigfrido Pared Perez and the Chief of the National Police, Major General Jose Armando Polanco Gomez, met yesterday, Monday 27 August, to work on the census of the military and police personnel who are 'on loan' to private individuals.

After leaving the meeting, which took place in Montalvo's office at the Presidential Palace, Pared Perez said that these military and police agents should be doing the job that they are trained for and not working for private entities. "The final decision on this will be taken by the President of the Republic and you will have it in the next few days," said the Armed Forces chief. Regarding the generals in the Armed Forces, Pared Perez said that there are 152 but that of this total there are 60 with nothing to do.

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