View Full Version : Lives of students and residents hang by a rope

08-28-2012, 04:30 PM
Since the construction of the new Eastern Expressway (Autovia del Este), students at the Leonidas Custodio Primary School in Cumayasa between San Pedro de Macoris and La Romana have been putting their lives at risk as they try to get to school every day. Because of the lack of a pedestrian crossing, anyone trying to reach the school must use ropes or improvised ladders to climb a concrete wall. Even the school principal, Yessenia Cordero has to climb the wall in order to reach her workplace, according to El Caribe. The local Reyes Morales Neighborhood Group has asked for the engineers to build a pedestrian overpass but their plea has been ignored.

So far there have been broken legs and arms and at least one fatality as a motorcycle taxi was hit by a tractor-trailer last week as he tried to cross the highway.

The school, which serves a very poor community, only has 86 students, three teachers and a cleaning lady.

www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/08/28/vida-estudiantes-pende-escalera-una-soga (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/08/28/vida-estudiantes-pende-escalera-una-soga)

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