View Full Version : RD$32 million for SUVs for Constitutional Court judges

08-29-2012, 01:10 PM
The president of the Constitutional Court, Milton Ray Guevara justified the government's US$65,000 each purchase of 13 luxury SUVs for the court judges on the grounds that the section of the Luperon Avenue outside the Constitutional Court floods when it rains. He explained that the SUVs were purchased by the Executive Branch on 10 August, six days before President Leonel Fernandez left government. As reported in El Dia, Ray Guevara said that the SUVs were purchased at a "bargain price." El Dia had reported their regular price is US$95,000. Ray Guevara told El Dia that the purchase was 10 Nissan Patrol SUVs and three Toyota SUVs that are pending for delivery.

As reported, the bill that was left to the new administration for the purchase of the vehicles is RD$32 million.

"It is general government policy, with many institutions, to assign to these vehicles so they can fulfill their duties. This is not an exceptional purchase," said Ray Guevara in a press conference where he clarified that the purchase was not made by the Constitutional Court that has a RD$150 million budget for 2012, its first year in operation.

Ray Guevara said that he agrees with the austerity program announced by the Medina government and assured that the court has been applying austerity since it started eight months ago. He said that they do not have their own offices, or a cafeteria, or a hall for hearings and are operating at a space in the National Price Stabilization Institute (Inespre), a government entity that although defunct is headed by prominent military officer-turned-politician Jorge Radhames Zorilla Ozuna, recently appointed by President Danilo Medina.

The Medina government has announced a Fiscal Pact that will most likely translate to tax increases. Medina has inherited the government of Leonel Fernandez, which was ranked at No. 1 in the world in government wasteful spending by the World Economic Forum.

Homero Figueroa of Diario Libre commented that the Constitution Court justices could set the example and should get to work in a sedan instead of a luxury SUV. http://diariolibre.com.do/opinion/2012/08/29/i349753_doble-traccion.html


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